WP 301 Redirects

Google is the most used search engine on the planet. That is a common fact. This is because of its simplicity and ability to give the right information and answer your questions in seconds. Similarly, when we have trouble getting somewhere, we are lost, or simply trying to find a location for a certain business, Google Maps is the place to go.

For this reason, the first step for many businesses is getting their own location on Google Maps. In today´s article, we would like to introduce you to an awesome tool. A tool that will help you export data from businesses on Google Maps. The tool makes this process simple and quick. So, if you are ready, let us begin.

Google Maps Scraper

Google Maps Scraper homepage

Google Maps Scraper is a powerful tool that ensures no time will be lost and does all of the hard work rather than letting you break a swear. The tool works through an Outscraper platform. Over it, you can export local business contacts from Google Maps. You can export said data in any format you want, ranging from JSON, CSV, and XLSX all the way to Parquet files.

To start the process, you’ll first have to download the tool from the link we shared in the previous section. After that, click the Google Maps Scraper icon, and you will be presented with a map. Once you have selected the area that you want to scrape, all you have to do is press the button. And the last step presents choosing the format in which you´d like to export the contacts.

All it takes are a few simple clicks, and the tool will do a huge amount of work within only a few seconds. And this is always a big plus, saving you time and also energy. And with our jam-packed schedules, whatever saves us time, is always a must-have.

Pricing and rating

With the $69 you pay, you’ll certainly get a bang for your buck. This means you are getting 5000 emails and social profiles, 5000 places from Google Maps/month, the ability to delete double data from certain tasks, task scheduling, Cloud execution, and so on.

Another proof of excellence is the sheer number of reviews you can find on their site, right below the product description. They were all written by tons of their loyal users. The tool is super easy to use and can be used by everyone, even people that are hearing about this for the first time.


With this, we are ending today´s article. Once more, we would like to say how great Google Maps Scraper is. Feel free to visit their site and look closely at what they offer. They offer a 60-day money-back guarantee in case you do not like the tool or it just doesn´t fulfill your expectations.

So, technically, giving it a try won´t cost you a thing. We hope that you have found this article helpful and that all of your questions have been answered.