15 WordPress Maintenance Checklist Essentials

WordPress Maintenance Checklist Essentials

By reading the title, you might assume that I am a WordPress developer who is giving you a 15+ WordPress maintenance checklist essential as a renowned WordPress expert. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. I have a portfolio website created free of charge, made only with WordPress and a theme. Of course, I […]

Best Free PHP Editors and IDEs: High-Quality Tools That Won’t Break the Bank

Best PHP editors and IDEs

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software app that provides services to programmers that are useful for software development. It is normally made of a source code editor, automation tools, and a debugger. Some IDEs have the necessary compiler (a computer program that translates the code written in one programming language into another language), […]

Why Site Speed Is So Important Both for Your SEO and User Experience

Why site speed is so important

Site speed is commonly defined as the length of time it takes to display all content on a specific page. Imagine you’re visiting a website for the first time, and it takes several seconds to load and show you the content. The question is: do you want to stay on that website or close the […]

Quick Reviews of 40+ Online Tools & Services For Your Business

Online Tools for business

Any online business you might have, needs several web tools and services to run properly – a website builder for your website or landing pages, a WordPress theme and plugins, a WordPress maintenance service, invoicing software, time-tracking software, SEO, digital marketing, and web development agencies, etc. In this article, we included over 40 online tools […]