Welcome to WP 301 Redirects Blog! Besides our own redirects plugin for WordPress, we like to write about various topics related to WordPress, blogging, SEO, web development & design, and digital marketing in general. This is the place to find the latest articles written by in-house authors, as well as occasional guest writers. Got something interesting to write about and share? Contact us 😉
Suffering from a website hack can be one of the most frustrating things that can happen to you online. Even though WordPress is one of the most used CMS platforms in the world, it’s also very popular with hackers. Here are some common signs that you might have been hacked: Unable to log in to […]
Online courses are the easiest and most affordable way for you to advance in your career without having to leave the comfort of your home. So, in this article, we’ve hand-picked a list of 10 fantastic web design courses you can sing-up for to learn some new skills. 1. Build Your First Web Pages With […]
There are a lot of reasons why Google Maps are so important and helpful to every website. First of all, it can show your customers the location of your company. But, that’s not the only advantage of Google Maps. Did you know that you can increase your ranking with Google Maps? Yes, it is true. […]
By reading the title, you might assume that I am a WordPress developer who is giving you a 15+ WordPress maintenance checklist essential as a renowned WordPress expert. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. I have a portfolio website created free of charge, made only with WordPress and a theme. Of course, I […]