Welcome to WP 301 Redirects Blog! Besides our own redirects plugin for WordPress, we like to write about various topics related to WordPress, blogging, SEO, web development & design, and digital marketing in general. This is the place to find the latest articles written by in-house authors, as well as occasional guest writers. Got something interesting to write about and share? Contact us 😉
You created your website, and now it’s time to put it on a server so that everyone can see it. The first thing you need to do is choose a domain for your site. The domain is the name of your website, and you want to get the best one. Once you’re set on the […]
The visible component of the written word, typography, refers to creating and selecting the appropriate form and appearance of letters presented as words and sentences to achieve the desired visual effect and convey the text’s meaning to the reader in the best possible way. A font is a graphic representation of text that includes different […]
Text-to-speech is a type of speech synthesis software that reads digital and printed text aloud. The program offers a wide range of applications and is utilized by everyone, from professionals and students to little children and adults. Text-to-speech software is highly beneficial to the visually impaired as well as individuals with learning difficulties such as […]
In today’s world, one of the most powerful tools for any salesperson is information. The more information we have, the better and more informed decisions we are able to make. This is also true when it comes to sent emails. We can learn a lot by knowing when someone opened our email or clicked on […]