Welcome to WP 301 Redirects Blog! Besides our own redirects plugin for WordPress, we like to write about various topics related to WordPress, blogging, SEO, web development & design, and digital marketing in general. This is the place to find the latest articles written by in-house authors, as well as occasional guest writers. Got something interesting to write about and share? Contact us 😉
As a WordPress site owner, it’s important to keep your plugins up-to-date and secure. Unfortunately, even the most well-meaning plugin developers can make mistakes that leave their code vulnerable to attack. Securing your WordPress plugins not only protects your website from attacks but also protects the data of your users. That’s where DevSecOps comes in. […]
Although they result from a lot of thinking, buying decisions don’t always depend on logic alone. Like any other area in which personal interactions and communication are essential and influence, sales (B2B sales, specifically) are about your ability to convince others. In the end, it’s all about your psychological techniques to make your prospects realize […]
What is it like to manage a business that succeeds? It’s about recognizing and seizing opportunities. This is the union of luck and preparation. Some believe education and preparation are the best ways to prepare for the demands of business life. Others argue that it is all about the connections. None of these stories tells […]
A content marketing strategy can come in many forms (social media, blogs, newsletters, podcasts, etc.). However, it is of utmost importance that you tailor your content marketing strategy to your brand. Tailoring your content marketing strategy to your brand will help you achieve quality and recognizable content that will be useful for your audience too. […]