Welcome to WP 301 Redirects Blog! Besides our own redirects plugin for WordPress, we like to write about various topics related to WordPress, blogging, SEO, web development & design, and digital marketing in general. This is the place to find the latest articles written by in-house authors, as well as occasional guest writers. Got something interesting to write about and share? Contact us 😉
A service or partner called third-party logistics (3PL) helps online retailers in controlling their supply chain. Managing warehouses and inventories, order fulfillment, shipping arrangements, retail distribution, exchanges, and returns are typical 3PL services. With 3PL, all inventory is stored, picked, packed, and shipped by a third-party company. Typically, 3PL receives your inventory at their warehouse, […]
When a traveler wants to discover the best destinations in a country he wants to visit, he usually looks for websites and blogs. But you can also search for tourist destinations on social networks. These not only include the destinations but there are also photos, comments, experiences, etc. Let’s look at some of the most […]
PDF, better known as Portable Document Format, is a versatile file format for easy and reliable document presentation and exchange. Created by Adobe, it allows viewing documents regardless of software, hardware, or operating system. Links, buttons, form fields, music, video, and business logic can all be found in PDF documents. They are easily seen on […]
Enhanced security, improved browsing speed, and the ability to bypass geo-restricted content are some of the top reasons why everyone should use a proxy. This tool is gaining popularity by the day among techies and everyday users alike. 5 Practical Tips for Proxy Shopping Deciding to choose a proxy is the easy part. Selecting the […]